Discovering the Lesser-Know Towns in and around Provence

Follow along as we guide you through the lesser-known villages around the beautiful region of Provence.


Step back in time and spend the day in one the “Plus Beaux Villages de France,” dating back to the 10th century.


Known as “le Petit Nice,” Nyons is the perfect stop for visitors seeking olives and lavender without the crowds.

**Check back soon for a write up on this special little village!


Often referred to as “kilometer zero",” this small town is one of the most famous starting points for cyclist daring to climb up “Le Géant de Provence” Mont Ventoux. You don’t, however, have to be a bike enthusiast to enjoy this beautiful town.

**Check back soon for a write up on this special little village!


Besides being a wine destination in the region, this writer-friendly village hosts a large book festival, Journées du Livre, each July. Come meet the authors while exploring the beautiful wines.

**Check back soon for a write up on this special little village!